留学生の方へ For International Students who wish to be assigned
- 履歴書
- 成績証明書
- 英語テストスコアレポート(CEFR B2以上。TOEICまたはTOEFLのスコアも許容されます)
- 研究計画(2ページ)
- 財務計画(例:申請する奨学金)
- (オプション)日本語能力試験認定(MSプログラムのみ、JLPT N2以上)
- ・海外居住者対象特別選抜
※外国籍及び海外在住(出身)受験者の出願にあたっては、リファレンス番号の入力が必要です。リファレンス番号の取得には時間がかかります(約2週間)。Web 出願期間中に出願を完了できるように早めに小平(kodaira.daisuke.gf[at]u.tsukuba.ac.jp)まで連絡をとるようにしてください 。
For Entrance Examination for Master's/Doctor's Program
In order to maintain a high level of research, we limit the number of accepted students to a few. If you wish to apply for the graduate program, please send the following documents to kodaira.daisuke.gf[at]u.tsukuba.ac.jp. Applicants must have a clear research plan and its content must be consistent with our research field.- Curriculum vitae
- Transcripts
- English test score report (CEFR B2 or above; TOEIC or TOEFL scores are also acceptable)
- Research plan (2 pages)
- Financial Plan (e.g., scholarships you are applying for)
- (Optional) JLPT certification (MS program only, JLPT N2 or higher)
1.General Admissions Information(Master's Programs&Doctoral Program)
2.University Recommendations for Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship Students(Master's Programs&Doctoral Program)
3.Special Selection for Overseas Residents (Doctoral Program)
- ・Special Selection for Overseas Residents
- ・Special Selection based on the Chinese Government Graduate Student Overseas Study Program
【Flow chart for web application】
※Foreign nationals and applicants residing (born) abroad are required to enter a reference number when applying. It takes time to obtain a reference number(Approximately 2 weeks), so please contact us as soon as possible so that your application can be completed during the web application period (kodaira.daisuke.gf[at]u.tsukuba.ac.jp).